Entries by Fuel Freedom Staff

PUMP the Movie

 iTunes.com (iTunes Movie Trailers) Movie times. Pump is an inspiring, eye-opening documentary that tells the story of America’s addiction to oil, from its corporate conspiracy beginnings to its current monopoly today, and explains clearly and simply how we can end it—and finally win choice at the pump.

PUMP Releases Some Character Posters

ComicBastards.com I’m looking forward to checking out Pump because believe it or not I think the subject of clean energy and renewable energy is important especially with our gas guzzling cars! Here’s some character posters along with the trailer for the documentary.

PUMP to Kick Oil Addiction by Edwin Black +VIDEO

AutoChannel.com American petroleum use accounts for about one-quarter of global consumption, depending upon whose numbers you’re refining. Kicking our oil addiction is an old mantra that is preached daily from the sidelines by an army of expert energy analysts and security insiders. A slick, kinetic new Hollywood movie, PUMP, is breaking out of the wooden […]

PUMP the Movie

360Magazine.com On behalf of Submarine Deluxe, we’re excited to share NEW CONTENT for the upcoming documentary on America’s oil addiction, PUMP, opening in NY & LA this Friday, Sept. 19th!

Jason Bateman Narrates ‘Pump’

FanBoyNation.com PUMP is an inspiring, eye-opening documentary that tells the story of America’s addiction to oil, from its corporate pump 2conspiracy beginnings to its current monopoly today, and explains clearly and simply how we can end it – and finally win choice at the pump.