Buckle up and take a ride on the road to fuel choice

Fuel choice is at the heart of our mission: All we’ve ever wanted is for drivers to be able to choose the fuel that’s right for their vehicles and their budgets. It’s a basic right we’ve never had, because oil has a stranglehold on the transportation fuels market in America.

So what’s keeping us from having fuel choice? It’s a complex subject we hope to demystify and explain for you over the next month. Starting next week, we’ll describe what needs to happen to take fuel choice from a dream to reality.

We’re breaking down our campaign into three main areas:

Regulatory environment: We’ll examine the policy changes needed at the federal and state level to help lay the groundwork for fuel choice to flourish, and what you can do to help.

Commerce: We’ll look at the role automakers and fueling retailers play in providing fuel choice. Higher-performance fuels are available, but more work could be done to make them more widely accessible to all consumers. Carmakers are always looking for ways to enhance performance. They also seek to increase fuel economy, while giving consumers the cars and SUVs they like to drive.

Consumers: No movement can truly transform the way we live until enough people start demanding these fuels. We’ll show you how you can help us rise up and demand something we’ve lacked for more than a century — meaningful choice at the pump.

Is fuel choice important for you? If so, learn how you can help.